Natural Healing
Acupuncture is a 5,000 year old healing technique coming from the Traditional Chinese Medicine.
It improves the body’s functions promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating the intelligence of our system. Acupuncture therapy can release energetic blockages balancing the energy in the body and activating physiological body’s natural healing response.
It can help to resolve pain, inflammation and regulate the body’s various systems.Modern research has demonstrated acupuncture’s effects on the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular system, and digestive system.
directly interacting with the intelligence of our systems..
The method used by Alessandro was created by David Lujan – an acupuncture practitioner, psychologist and writer.In this method we focus on different aspects of the human being- physiology, anatomy, energetical path ways in the body, personal and social behaviours.
After studying with David, and practicing in his clinics- where hundreds of people get cured for free or by donation, Alessandro added this ancient traditional medicine to his treatments.
In the first treatment a diagnosis will be made by taking the pulse, questioning, muscle testing and palpation. Once the diagnosis is made, the specific treatment will be chosen and used.
Treatments used are:
•Electric Acupuncture
•Cupping therapy
•Auricular therapy
•Magnetic therapy
Average treatment duration is between 45m to 1h.45m.
Alessandro is avalible for retreats, workshops, group sessions and private one-on-one sessions.
For all inquiries reach out:
Facebook: Naturcura
Instagram: naturcura
e-mail: [email protected]
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