

Natural Transformation

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After many years of personal self development, practices, trainings and teaching all around the world, Alessandro has developed his own methods. 

These aim to bring us in the deepest of our body and mind, showing the the path to reach our full potential.

In a society where the time for ourselves and watch inwards is a privilege, often giving precedence to work and different duty before focusing on what’s essential for our health and empowerment, letting our minds believe that our health, contentment and inner peace is dependent from something or someone out side ourselves, prevent us to fully experience our true self and the beauty of life..

By fully exploring the abilities of our body and mind we can build a general faith in ourselves, creating a state of awareness that will bring us deeper and deeper in our natural state, showing us that we can let go of the limit that our subconscious have created fully experiencing our true self in the present moment. 

Retreats and Sessions


Explore within, connect to the self and to others. Dive within, play, breath. A journey through movement, mindfulness and authenticity.

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Find inner peace, experience the present moment, build a stronger mind and body, build self confidence and awareness that you can bring into your daily life

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Back to Nature Journey is an active meditation that will bring you in the deepest of your systems and access the answers within your self, discover how to heal your body and mind with the gifts of nature.

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The artistic expression of the power of the body along with spirituality and tradition. A powerful and unique practice, strengthening the character and the inner-self through discipline, self study and control

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It is a training that focuses on the uniqueness of each individual and moment- letting go of the mind, trusting the present and our intuition. We open the door to all the possibilities of expressions of our body, mind and emotions.

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Acupuncture therapy can release energetic blockages balancing the energy in the body and activating physiological  body’s natural healing response. It can help to resolve pain, inflammation and regulate the body’s various systems

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Hi Alessandro,

It’s Mihaela . ☺

I wanted to thank you for this incredible journey .

I’m still processing 😄

One of the big challenge for me was to accept and embrace my dark and wild side.

Thank you for your care, patience and compassion.

I noticed your attention and presence for each  one of us.

For sharing your knowledge with us.

For creating a safe and pleasant space.

For accepting our differences without judgment.

For teaching us about boundaries,self expression ,love and compassion …and how to find and grow our inner power.

For helping us to release from fear ,shame,gilt.

For teaching us how to forgive us and others.


For helping us to discover and express our authenticity and find balance.

You have given us so much 🙏☺

 It was the best and most transformative experience of my live.

I’m taking home so much with me …I loved everything and already miss our daily  gathering ☺

Thank you Alessandro 🙏

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Lineea  Sweden

Was my first experience with Tantra so I was a bit nervous at the beginning, but actually I felt so held and connected and made beautiful friends, this is more about focusing on your self and growing as a person in a group, My biggest lessons during the retreat is to fully trust myself and respect my boundaries, I appreciated Alessandro as a Facilitator  he is great to let people relax into the practices and read people even in a group where we all are so different and come from different background, I feel this is his gift he make everyone feel so comfortable and growth where they are right now at life to take the next step forward in life not matter where you are at..

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Dear Alessandro,  I would like to convey my extreme gratitude for facilitating the tantra workshop recently at inner living…goa  The power of your presence and the space created and held by you…was extremely conducive for me to go deeper and deeper within myself……and access new areas within the being….  The flow design of the workshop was so smooth that one did not feel the time fly by and even though the days were long one felt fresh all the time…the warmth and love energy that you radiated made it very pleasant to be there…..  I am grateful for you helped me enhance my self and look at unknown hurts that required healing..the sitar recital by you really inspired me to follow my own music passion with more vigour and ease…..  Look forward to working and expanding with you in times to come…  Thank you Shantanu… Kolkata West Bengal india

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Explore and Connect Workshop For me was a crazy experience because we where really opening up all the world.. The Heart, our Movement and emotion..our soul and usually I’m really shy.. And in this space I felt really safe and I was able to open up, and saw that everyday could open more and more through this practices.. Also I really like a lot the Breathwork and the guidance during it..was really intense and nice..i did breath work before but this time I felt I real got to connect with my breath and the energys around..was really nice to feel that with everyone somehow we can connect.. And Personally I’m really great full as I can feel this connection really really much. Karina México

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One of the very impactful courses I have done till date is the Tantra course facilitated by Alessandro. Right from the day 1, there was an instant connect with him, which made the environment very comfortable and easy. Activities which we did through his guidance really made the difference. Not to forget the Nada Yoga which we did, was something very new to me and made me realise how important it is to keep up the practice. Thank you for all your help and support. Would love to do many more courses facilitated by you. Gaurav V

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This is the 3rd tantra retreat I did with Alessandro, the 1st one was really life changing, there was the life before and after the retreat, was really beautiful to come back the second and noe the 3rd times I can feel I went much deepr in the differente practices and understend them in a defferent levels



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A very safe space to explore your intimacy,vulnerability and authenticity I like how here nobody is pushed to do anythings that they are not feel comfortable with,there is always different levels u can still growth in, even if I have been  in the tantric path for few years I could get my deep experience in the same space where someone that is new to this world can have theirs and we could come together in the same practices

Elina Estonia

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Facebook: Naturcura

Instagram: naturcura

E-mail: [email protected]

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